Business English in Dublin

Classes focus on improving your communication skills by building on grammar structures and enhancing vocabulary, listening, reading, and writing skills in a business context. Each course is designed specifically for individuals or groups, tailored to their unique needs. You’ll gain access to a variety of digital resources to support independent study and foster lifelong language learning.


Classroom activities and homework are available on Google Classroom, where students complete assignments before the next session. Feedback and discussions on these exercises take place during class, maximizing flexibility and allowing students to revisit materials at their convenience. This approach promotes ownership of learning, while class time emphasizes building spoken fluency and confidence.

The course uses materials from Cambridge's Business Benchmark, Pearson's Market Leader series, worksheets from Linguahouse and ESL Brains, along with articles, audio, and video content from reputable sources like BBC News, CNN, Sky News, and TED Talks.

Below, I list a sample syllabus over a typical 12 week course:

Business topics:

  • Week 1: Corporate Culture
  • Week 2: Leaders and Managers
  • Week 3: Work & Job satisfaction
  • Week 4: Brands / Marketing
  • Week 5: Advertising
  • Week 6: Meetings
  • Week 7: Presentation skills
  • Week 8: Writing skills.
  • Week 9: Customer service
  • Week 10: Globalisation
  • Week 11: Starting a business
  • Week 12: Exit test & feedback.

Interim & final reports: You will receive a progress report at the half-way stage of your course. At the end of your course you will do an "exit" test. We correct and discuss your results with you in addition to giving a comprehensive feedback report with suggestions and advice for future independent study. In addition, you will receive a certificate of attendance; outlining the duration of your course, and the proficiency level attained.

Dublin business English

Call us today for more information about the online classes we offer at Dublin business English

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